On Tuesday 25 July 2023 Neil and I experienced the most horrible day of our lives.
A court judgement turned an eviction team around in their car and saved us from being removed from our home with just 45 minutes to spare.
When the smoke had cleared and we had scraped ourselves off the ceiling, we realised what a MASSIVE wake-up call this was.
This was not of our doing.
We had been subjected to suspected fraud by a ‘business professional’, someone we have worked with and trusted for nigh on 40 years!
So when your trust has been rocked to the core, and you nearly lose the roof over your head, you know something has to change.
We had been coasting along for far too long, and allowed crap like this to happen.
Never, ever again!
Big changes to take back control
So from that moment we realised we had to make big changes and take back control of everything in our life, which includes:
- expanding our business into new areas
- going beyond our comfort zone
- and earning a life-changing income
So we’re starting a new business in affiliate marketing, which will run beautifully alongside our colour analysis training.
We are now learning incredible marketing skills to bring colour & style to a much wider audience and how much more we can create as we continue to learn and progress.
I’m writing this to let you know exactly what we’re doing so that you have this…
Straight from the horse’s mouth!

Flossie, the coach who introduced me to the affiliate marketing training is a Classic Blue Warm Autumn and she’s English…
Bearing in mind that our trust in everyone has just been rocked to the core, Flossie’s colour psychology profile alone told me everything I needed to know about whether this was a genuine opportunity or not.
Blues don’t take any action until they’ve watched and listened and checked everything for themselves. And English Classic Blues are as straight as a die.
So I wasn’t in the least surprised when Flossie posted in August, “I recently watched my friend Brunhilde take the leap and now 3 months in, she’s made about $65k. Yes, you read that right! Now that I have witnessed someone I know and trust have success with this, I am ready to get off of the sidelines and into the game! So I purchased the course, and I’m now an affiliate marketer!”
3 days ago, Flossie wrote, “Thank goodness I did! I made $3,500 in my first week after training and so it goes on.”
As a diehard Red colour personality, I’m even more sceptical than Flossie.
But seeing a Classic Blue Englishwoman make so much so quickly convinced me to, at least, take a look, and ask for more details.
Affiliate marketing definition: A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
I’ve never really understood affiliate marketing so I watched the short video that Flossie shared with me, I asked questions, checked out what others were doing, saw the income they were making, and then finally signed up for the course myself because:
- 95% of the technical stuff is all set up for me – huge relief!
- So I don’t need to set up a website or manage a Facebook group
- It’s available across the globe
- I don’t sell anything or hold sales calls
- I don’t have to create products or hold stock
- There’s no spend on advertising
- It doesn’t take much of my time
- And no prior experience needed…
…because the online training tells you exactly what to do, with a fabulous mentor and loads of live Q&A calls and personal support.
I’m only part way through the training, and it’s really fun! To be honest, I can’t believe just how much I’m actually enjoying it.
I’m learning loads of new stuff that we can apply to our existing colour & style business, and, finally, I will be creating the program I was put on the planet for. More about that soon…
The more I learn, the more I realise how amazing the potential is – for ALL of us!
If you’d like to know more about our new business
Here’s the link to the free video that Flossie shared with me. It’s only 14 minutes.
Feel free to ask questions, and, if I don’t know the answer, I know a man who does!
Stop Press: Brunhilde started her affiliate marketing business with her partner 5 months ago when they were 'drowning in debt'. This morning, she posted they’re now earning £100,000 per month!
Time to stop faffing
It’s been on the cards for a quite some time that we needed to stop faffing about.
With hindsight, it’s as plain as the nose on my face that we’d missed earlier warning signs.
In fact, we simply put a ‘sticking plaster’ over those and carried on regardless.
Too big to ignore
But this horror, only a few weeks ago, was the mother of them all and simply too big to ignore!
Our intention now is to build a life-changing income to resolve the outstanding issues as soon as possible and to make sure we are never again vulnerable to such horrors.
- And how amazing that this brilliant new business opportunity should pop into my inbox at EXACTLY the right time…?
So Neil and I are finally taking back control, and taking a large dose of our own medicine.
Life is too short to faff about so…
We are Just Flippin’ Doing It!
I’ll keep you posted!