This is day 7 of lockdown in the UK due to the horrid coronavirus. We’re sending you all huge hugs, and hoping that you and yours are staying safe and healthy.
I don’t know about you but my mind has been all over the place. For a confirmed over-thinker, this is nothing new but this current situation has made me sit and think even more carefully about how I really want to spend this time in lockdown and what that actually means for when we come out of it.
Last Sunday, I went into meltdown for a variety of reasons, not all of them to do with this virus thingy and, for one hideously revolting moment, I was severely tempted to run for the hills.
Just as I was sobbing into my duvet, Neil brought me a hot cup of tea and then calmly sat listening to my blubberings.
Once I’d got it all off my chest and we’d discussed all the pros and cons of whether to stay and fight, or run for the hills, I felt so much better.
I realised I have so much to be grateful for – Neil, a roof over our heads, food and plenty of gin in the cupboard, water, gas, electricity, central heating, plus phone and internet access that helps us keep in touch with family, friends, and with YOU, of course.
We might qualify for a teeny-weeny government handout (and then again, we probably will not) so we have a choice right now:
- Either close down our business during the lockdown
- earn nothing
- face the inevitability of not having a business at all when it’s all over
- which would mean having to start all over again
- or, God forbid, having to find a job!
- Or we can Carry On Regardless, using the internet to continue running our business to earn enough to pay the bills ourselves
As Hamlet said,
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
To which we replied in unison,
To BE! There is no flippin’ question about it!
Which means we will be working our little butts off, to keep bringing you the training, courses, resources, inspiration, and motivation, together with a good kick up the rear end that you keep asking me for.
We will Carry On Regardless.
We will be around!
So, here’s my question for you
Will you still be around when this is all over?
- Will you be taking a back seat now, giving up on your plans to BE (fill in the blank), and then have to start all over again in 1, 2, 3, 6 months’ time?
- Or will you use this time to learn, improve, and plan to have a flourishing business in 1, 2, 3, or 6 months’ time?
Your choice.