After the horrors of July 2023, when Neil and I were nearly evicted from our home through suspected fraud (and nothing we had done!), we started looking seriously for a way to become debt-free forever, to take back control so that nothing like this could ever happen again.
Around the same time, a coach friend had been looking for a second income and started affiliate marketing. After only a couple of weeks, she was doing really well so I knew I had nothing to lose by watching the free video she sent …
… especially as she is a Classic Blue personality type, and English to boot, because that combination means she’s as honest as the day is long and will have investigated any opportunity like this to within an inch of its life!
This stuff is magic!
- We don’t have to sell anything or hold stock
- There are no sales calls
- All the technical stuff is set up for us
- There’s oodles of support
- And we can use everything we’re learning in our existing business…
- …to create additional, complementary ones and create multiple streams of income
I’m a Dramatic Red personality type, i.e., ‘Be brief, be bright, be gone!’ and that means I haven’t got the time, energy, or inclination to set up anything myself. So this is the perfect solution for me. I’m learning new skills and actually enjoying myself!
As a Natural Blue personality type, Neil is in his detail-oriented element, creating new affiliate marketing opportunities from our colour & style business, and also from his personal hobbies – fishing and photography.
Think about what YOU’re doing right now
Consider whether that’s what you really want to keep repeating because…
If you carry on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll carry on getting what you’ve always got!
If Neil and I had simply carried on, ‘hoping’ that our current business would somehow miraculously produce what we want, I’d have run for the hills!
Now, we have the solution we were looking for.
We earn high commissions on high-ticket offers so we not only earn a second income (and quickly) but also learn how to use our new skills in our current colour & style business, and create further income opportunities around the stuff we love.
No more faffing about like a tart!
Life is too short!
Neil and I are already turning everything around RIGHT NOW, setting ourselves up for a successful, profitable, problem-resolving, and fabulously wonderful 2024.
What are YOUR plans for 2024?
More of the same?
Or maybe it’s time to think about ramping it up?
If you would love to supplement or even replace your current income, and want to find out about affiliate marketing, in confidence and without any obligation, contact me and I’ll send you details.
If you want to make a part or full-time income offering personal colour analysis consultations and workshops, then get next year off to a flying start with my world-famous colour, style, image, and business-building training courses.
Always, always start with colour analysis – it’s the foundation stone of every successful colour/style business.
Later on, you could add style & shape, personal shopping, wardrobe weedouts, men’s image, offer online consultations to a global audience… the world is your oyster.
Learn HOW with my free webinar ‘Get Cracking with Colour!’

- How to fund your training
- How to set up the technical stuff with no further outlay
- How to earn while you’re learning
- And create your own step-by-step plan of exactly what to do and when…
- …so that you can Get Cracking with Colour and start earning right away
Register here for the FREE replay and bring a pen and paper…
Combine them both…
and there’ll be no stopping you!
That’s exactly what Neil and I are doing right now, combining affiliate marketing with our colour & style business – for all the reasons I’ve outlined above – and we’re going to help as many as possible in 2024 to do the same.
You could do the same to create a full-time income with amazing possibilities for a brand-new way of life for you and your family:
- Kick your J.O.B. into touch (J.O.B. = Just Over Broke)
- Work from home – no sitting in traffic for hours every day
- Be there for your family
- Take the kids to school and collect them
- Go to every parents’ evening and school event
- Pay all your bills easily
- Donate to great causes
- Treat yourself
- Take the family on days out and holidays to create memories that will last forever!
Remember, if you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting the same darned results…
You have the power to make 2024 absolutely FABULOUS for you and everyone around you.
Just Flippin’ Do It!
And if I can help you in any way with any of this, you know where I am!
For even more inspiration…
Pour yourself a large glass of whatever takes your fancy (mine’s a G&T, thanks muchly) and watch these 2 videos.
The thoughts, ideas, and sentiments are eternal and still relevant today:
You can have the confidence and freedom to be who you really are. It’s never too late to become the person you were always meant to be. This is your year. (Video 88 mins from Jan 2019)
2 What if this turned out to be a great year?
How we went from having our worst month ever when coronavirus hit in March 2020, to having a waiting list of clients, showcasing 12 Big Tips to help you kick-start your own business and make this a truly great year. (Video 97 mins from 6 Aug 2020 – What if 2020 turned out to be a great year?)