10 things you didn’t know about me!
I’m not going to bore you to tears with a conventional ‘about me’ business page so let’s have some fun with this…
Retired from rally motorsport in 2006
- Did you know I created the very first professional matching service for rally drivers. I helped match up drivers with co-drivers across the globe for single events and entire championships – the little darlings!
- Did you know I was a rally news journalist and glamorous assistant to a professional motorsport photographer! Yes indeedy! I have almost drowned in the Welsh mud and rain, been eaten alive by Scottish midges, and been bitten to death by Belgian mosquitos! My favourite rally car? A flat-front RS2000 MK2 Ford Escort with twin Webers. My favourite aroma in the whole world? The smell of Castrol R and pine trees, preferably in a Scottish forest at 3 o’clock in the morning!
- Did you know I actually used to wear luminous yellow without protest? In the early Eighties I was out virtually every weekend as a volunteer rally stage marshal and even worked on butty-wagons in the freezing cold – the only time I’ve ever stood outside freezing my wotsits off voluntarily. A kind friend gave me a bright yellow Sheffield-council worker’s coat and with at least 4 other layers underneath, it was a wonder I could move, let alone drive. I must have looked like a Michelin man!

Orca, trifle, and stunts around the world
- Did you know I am the original Orca Girl? Whilst watching killer whales from the back of a boat off Vancouver Island, a large adult female orca swam directly at me. It rolled onto its side as it passed by at my feet and looked me straight in the eye. I could have leant over the side and touched it… One of those moments that I will never forget.
- Did you know I introduced trifle to Israel! Preparing Christmas dinner on a kibbutz in Israel in 1979, I introduced the kibbutz members and about 20 volunteers from the four corners of the globe to a traditional British trifle – layers of cake pieces soaked in sherry, fruit in jelly, and bananas in custard. Trying to find Dream Topping in Jerusalem proved to be a total failure so I had to improvise with yogurt made freshly on the kibbutz together with a weird combination of local flavourings. It went down a storm!
- Did you know I was a Stunt Girl in the Arctic Circle? In 2000, I was spectating on one of those famous high-speed forest rally stages on WRC Rally Finland. After the leading rally cars had thundered by, I decided to move to a new vantage spot. The very next rally car through the stage rolled and crashed on the exact spot where I had just been sitting! A rather close shave, methinks.
Famous for…
- Did you know the word ‘Perfick‘ – which I use all the time- is taken from my favourite television series ‘The Darling Buds of May’? Pa Larkin says, “Perfick” when something is particularly wonderful. I do the same.
- I’m not athletic by any stretch of the imagination but I still managed to jump clean over a coffee table whilst watching the All Blacks score a nail-biting rugby try on TV.
- Delia Smith’s fantasmagoric television series ‘How to Cheat at Cooking’ showed me that even I could learn to cook and now I create my own recipes from what’s available in the cupboard. Did you also know that I have a secret family recipe for my world-famous Fridge Cake and that if I dared to turn up at a family ‘do’ without a batch, the little tinkers wouldn’t let me in!
That’s only 9!
The 10th ‘did you know’ about Kim Bolsover?
- Kim is an award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, who is also an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers. Kim has over 40 years’ experience running her own business, teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching & mentoring entrepreneurs and business professionals.
What this all goes to prove is:
- Your professional life can be fun
- You can have the freedom to be who you really are
- And I’m here to help you fathom out what you were put on this planet for
It is never too late to become the person you were always meant to be.
George Eliot

Kim Bolsover
Managing Director
Award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, Kim Bolsover, is an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers and a Certified Words That Change Minds LAB Profile® Practitioner. Kim has over 40 years’ experience teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching and mentoring image consultants and entrepreneurs to build their own successful businesses.
I wish you everything that I wish for myself.